Local Partner: Speak Up For The Poor        Years Funded: 2016 - Present

Speak Up For the Poor exists to transform the world on behalf of the poor. Their mission is to create a new reality for girls in poverty. They pursue this mission by building an international network of Justice Centers which speak up for the poor, particularly for girls in poverty. SUFTP advocates for girls in poverty in three inter-connected ways:

EDUCATION. They run a Girls Education Program in Bangladesh, which sponsors girls in poverty to stay in school and on the path to success. They ensure that girls in poverty are free to live up to their fullest potential.  The long-term goal is to help thousands of girls in poverty finish their education, get professional training, then return to serve their community and country as servants to the poor.  

HOMES. They work to catalyze and fund the growth of homes for girls born into brothels, rescued from trafficking, or otherwise at risk of exploitation and abuse. They fund a home for girls removed from brothels in Bangladesh to ensure that girls rescued or removed from abusive situations have safe homes.

JUSTICE. They investigate human rights abuses and do practical casework for the poor, particularly working on cases of violence and abuse against girls in poverty. SUFTP partners with the justice system and local police to handle cases of illegal child marriage, kidnapping and rape, and other forms of sexual abuse and harassment. They also are working to train young indigenous lawyers to be advocates for the poor and to build an international community of advocates for the poor.

Funds provided by BACHAO are used to:

Speak Up For The Poor 2022 Update